This week the Marshalls were in Massachusetts so I had big plans. Reading, cleaning, napping, organizing kind of plans. Well, none of those things ended up happening. Instead we went to the Carnival, spent a day at the lake, had a visit with our friends the Smiths, went to the pool with our neighbor, cooked out, and watched movies! A great week, but very, very busy! And next week will be about the same, so stay tuned!
On Thursday my friends Sarah, from my High School years, stopped by with her husband and three boys. It had been about a year since I had seen them, so it was so great to catch up and I'm so thankful they went out of their way to see us!

Thank you Warren and Sarah for stopping by. We always love seeing you. I hope the trip home went well and that everybody slept at least for a little while!
Sorry that the video is sideways. I don't know how to rotate it, but in it Christian is talking about his new shirts that the Smiths brought him. He has a Thomas one and a Cars one and they have a button you can press and they make noise. Sarah where did you get these shirts?? They are Christian's new favorite thing. He wore both of them yesterday (he kept switching) and put one on again this morning!!

Christian and McKenna taking their first bath together! McKenna is not quite big enough for her bathseat, but we gave it a try.
Christian is still missing Emma, Abby and Nate, but he's been so busy that he hasn't really had time to mope around about it. Lots of things remind him of them and he talks about them constantly, so we can't wait to see them bright and early on Monday morning. Yippee!
Hi Christian!
We miss you so much and we can't wait to see you. And McKenna we miss you too. See you soon !
Emma, Abby & Nate
How fun that Sarah and her family got to come - she looks fabulous...doesn't look like she's changed much at all! I hope you had a wonderful visit together - I know you've had a great week with your family for sure!
It's been a great week to get things done. Family things. We are really trying to focus on family (just the 5 of us) activities, to forge memories. They grow up so fast. Glad you guys where able to have such a good time.
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