Today we went to Cowans Gap State Park. There is a huge lake there nestled between the mountains. It's beautiful and so much fun!

Ryan skipped out on work this afternoon and joined us. It's always more fun with daddy around!

Christian spent the majority of his time playing in the sand. He didn't really start swimming until it was almost time to go. Isn't that always the way it is?

Tonight when I asked Christian what his favorite part of the day was, he said, "Playing with dada in the water."

McKenna was a great sport, despite the fact that it was ninety degrees. She's wearing a hat that used to be Nate's. It's a boy hat but does a great job of keeping the sun off!

She spent most of her time hanging out in her stroller taking it all in. She loves to be outside!

He had such a good time. The only way we could get him to get in the car without a fight was to promise him ice cream. Secretly I think it was daddy who really wanted the ice cream anyway.
Looks like fun. What a nice way to spend some family time. McKenna looks like she's getting big by the pictures of her in the stroller!
Heather W.
you know, I have never been there! It looks like you guys had fun--we are hoping to hit the pool tomorrow since it has been so HOT!
Looks like a great spot. You will have to take us there sometime.
Looks like fun. Glad Christian got some quality time with daddy. Boys love to have someone else to play rough with! We would love to go sometime. The twins are headed to the beach of Tues for a week and Adam and I are going with our friends to a pool on Thurs. Daddy will join us on Thurs evening and we will all head to VA beach together for some quality time as a family!
That looks refreshing! I'm glad you guys are doing fun stuff like this, especially while the other playmates are away. I bet it helps a little with the missing them. Anna :)
I am SO glad for you Judy, that you've been able to have some great family time this week. I know it's so recharging for me when we can get that time with David. Especially coming off of the "season", I'm SO grateful for you and Ryan to be able to have this time with the kids!! And what a beautiful lake! Very fun!
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