Thursday, June 12, 2008

Catching Up

I am so behind with blogging, so this is going to be a super long post to catch up! These pictures were taken last Friday before my kiddos got sick. It was Emma's last day of school so we had a pool party and McDonalds for dinner. They had a blast!

The following pictures are all from this week! We tried to have some fun even with a very sick boy with pneumonia.

Here's the next Rachel Ray baking a cake. Seriously Emma thinks she either wants to be a teacher or Rachel Ray when she grows up. I'm encouraging the teacher idea because she's so much like me. She loves to have a plan and is constantly telling everyone what to do. All qualities that would make a great teacher.
Here's Abby working on a special art project for her Grammy Crawly. It will be in the mail soon Grammy!
McKenna and I working on a special Father's day surprise. It's an apple tree made with her footprint and finger prints. Christian was supposed to be doing this project too, but he doesn't like to have paint on his hands, so he's refusing to complete the project. We ended up buying a card for him to give Daddy today. He really hasn't been in the mood to cooperate much lately.

This was a big event. Emma has been doing chores and saving her money to buy a razor scooter. Her dad bought her one with hand brakes to have at her house, so we thought about changing her goal to buy something different but she decided she wanted to have a scooter at my house and her house. Sounds good to me! So today was the big day. She was so mature paying for her purchase by herself. She was really proud of herself. Counted out the money herself and she put the receipt in a special spot. Here's the best part: At Vacation Bible School they were going to take an offering tonight to buy some "talking Bibles" for missionaries to give to illiterate people that they minister to. I told Emma that I thought it would be a good idea for her to give a little bit of her money and that I would match whatever she gave dollar for dollar. After she bought her scooter she counted out her left over money and realized that she had five dollars left. I told her that I thought two dollars would be a nice amount to give. She thought about it for awhile and then asked me if I would still match her money if she gave all five of her dollars. Of course I agreed and she proudly took ten one dollar bills to church tonight. She was so excited about giving her offering. She couldn't wait to get to church to give her offering! Oh that blesses my heart!

This was a frequent sight this week! The four of us all strapped in heading to the doctor's office. We did that three times!

I finally took my camera today to McKenna's doctor's visit. She has had a fever for a week now and the poor girl has had every symptom she could possibly have; fever, cough, head congestion, diarrhea, rash, fussiness, etc.
Look at my chubby little 14 pounder! Emma is always right by her side taking care of her. The other big excitement this week has been VBS. Emma and Abby have had a great experience. Awesome teaching, fun games, exciting crafts, yummy snacks! They have learned so much about Creation, the flood, the Tower of Babal, etc. They are really excited about their closing program tomorrow night. I'm going to miss it but both their mom and dad will be there and that is a big deal to them!
Amy and I were going to team teach this week. It really would have been fun to do it together, but my little man was too sick. So she took over for me on Thursday and did a great job! Can you tell our VBS was an Amazon theme?
Emma is in the pink shirt in the forground of this picture. She had such a good time with all of her new friends. She even volunteered to go up on stage to participate in a game. She was the only first grader who volunteered. It was some sort of bean bag toss and she couldn't stop talking about how she got more points than Jeb (our Pastor's son) who is in third grade. I've been hearing about it all week.


Tim Brinkley said...

I love your pool. You've got a nice set up. It has been so hot that you almost can't survive without it. It is great to be able to let the kids be outside even on really warm days. Love the testimony of Emma and her scooter. She gets giving, Wow! I am really looking forward to seeing you guys at the end of the month. It has been too long.

Heather said...

I have to say, it looks like a great week considering how sick your kiddos are! I hope Christian and McKenna both start feeling better soon, poor babies! And I love McKenna's craft, too cute!
Heather W.

Millicent said...

Is McKenna feeling better? My nephew seems to have the same thing--fevers and yuckies but not sure where it's coming from.
Emma is too cute! And that tree is way too neat!
Have a great weekend!!!

Luis and Christy said...

I love how proud Emma looks. I remember the first big purchase my brother and I saved up for: a Nintendo! I doubt she'll forget that day -- good thing you got a picture.

Katy said...

I'm dying to hear how little McKenna is doing. I can't believe what a rough week with both she and Christian so sick. And yet in all of that, look at how you blessed the other kids - such fun projects, VBS - you are a blessing Judy!!!!

Christine said...

VBS is the best week of the Summer! I'm glad the girls got to participate. It looks like you're all having a really, really great Summer!!