Posted by Judy at 2:30 PM 7 comments
The Chattertons have owned this land since the 1800's. This is the "big hill" where Ryan spent many winters sledding.
Ryan was enjoying Christian's pony ride too!
Posted by Judy at 9:56 AM 6 comments
Posted by Judy at 9:26 AM 3 comments
We had a great trip to Illinois for Thanksgiving!! Quick, but great! Christian is such a road warrior! He was so good in the car. He didn't fuss once. This is a picture of him getting a new Thomas the tank engine toy. It's a magnetic train track with little magnetic trains. This kept him busy for awhile.
This picture was taken at our hotel at 10:00 at night. Christian fell asleep in the car around 6pm, so he was bouncing off the wall at 10pm. Both Ryan and I fell asleep before him in our hotel room that night!
Christian loved seeing all of Grampy's tractors. We arrived at the farm about an hour before the Thanksgiving meal was to start. Christian's cousin Gracey was waiting for him when we arrived. I took 172 pictures of our trip (I know, I go totally overboard with the picture taking) so I've got a lot of blog posting to do. Hopefully I'll get some time to do it tomorrow. This has just been a little preview until then!!
Posted by Judy at 8:08 PM 2 comments
We are heading to Illinois for the Thanksgiving holiday!! I'm looking forward to spending some quality time together as a family, even if it will be 15 hours in the car! We've got lots of special car activities planned; a new Thomas Train to be introduced at a fussy moment, a travel sized aquadoodle, books, tractors, lots of DVDs and my new favorite is a magnetic tin with a train track inside that came with small Thomas the tank engine magnets (Christian's never seen it before so it should be fun for awhile). We will probably be stopping in Zaneville, OH for dinner because they have a McDonalds with an awesome playland and we're hoping to make it to Dayton, OH by tomorrow night sometime. Can you tell we've traveled this route before?
Christian is really excited about seeing Grampy's tractors (Ryan's parents live on a farm) and Christian is also looking forward to seeing the doggies. He's been talking about this trip for about 4 days now. I hope he's still excited 5 hours into the drive!!!
I won't be posting anything until we get back, so pray for us! I'll have tons of pictures to share next week!
Happy Thanksgiving to all of you!! Enjoy your time with your family and friends!
Posted by Judy at 10:59 PM 2 comments
Posted by Judy at 11:45 PM 4 comments
We have a "no touch" fancy nativity set that everyone is allowed to LOOK at, but we also have the FisherPrice Nativity and it is the perfect Christmas toy. I figured that if we have books and toys about Santa, we really need to have books and toys about Jesus. Thanks to my dear friend Heidi McNair, Christian got this for his first Christmas. He was only 6 months old and he put it in his mouth, but this year he's really getting it (if you ignore the cow on the roof of the stable). He now knows who Mary, Joseph and Baby Jesus are. He loves to make Jesus go night-nights and he even sings to him. It's so sweet and you know I think it probably is a blessing to the real Jesus!
Posted by Judy at 6:43 PM 5 comments
One of my absolute favorite parts of Christmas is reading beautiful Christmas picture books. I have great memories of reading wonderful Christmas books from when I was little. When I used to teach I would choose a different picture book to read each day in December to my class. Needless to say, I have a lot of great Christmas books. Abby was thrilled to find this "princess" book in with all the Christmas books. She thought Mary was a princess. So we read the story and talked about how Mary was even more important than a princess! She got to take care of Baby Jesus.
I think this Christmas is going to be one of the best ones I've ever had. I love having a housefull of children to share in the joy with me. I love talking about Jesus' birthday. I love seeing the reflection of the tree lights in their little eyes. I love making crafts and baking cookies. I love looking through toy catalogs and hearing them "ooo" and "ahh" over all the great stuff. Emma is so sweet... Last week she went through a toy catalog and circled all the gifts she wanted to get for different kids in her class. It had never dawned on her that she wouldn't buy gifts for all her school friends. It probably would have cost about $5000.00 if I had bought everything she circled.
Get ready, I'm going to be posting a lot over the next month and a half!! We've got a lot of great activities planned!!
Posted by Judy at 1:18 PM 8 comments